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Hier werden wir euch demnächst über unsere Vorbereitungen und ab dem 19.10.2001 täglich live aus Bali informieren
( 68 Personen sind seit dem 5.August 2001 eingetragen. )

8) Joefri aus Wiesbaden schrieb am 3.Oktober 2001 um 19:05 Uhr:

Venice-Cup 2001 in Paris, hier ist die Bestätigung von der WBF:

"Dear Friends

First of all I would like to thank you all for your strong support at this time - I greatly appreciate the fact that all the teams from the Bermuda Bowl and the Venice Cup are happy to come to Paris to compete in the World Championships, and although we will miss three of the original teams from the Seniors Bowl, we will still be able to hold this Championship with eight teams instead of ten. There have been some teams withdrawing from the Transnational Open Teams, but on the other hand some new teams have entered, and the Championship will be held as planned.

It is our intention that play will start on Sunday 21st or Monday 22nd October - it is impossible for us to say at the present time which it will be since it is dependent on the equipment arriving back from Singapore, where the boat was stopped. We ask all the Bermuda Bowl, Venice Cup and Senior Bowl teams to arrive by Saturday 20th October so that you are
refreshed and ready to play as soon as we can start. The Transnational Teams should aim to arrive in order to start play on either Sunday 28th or Monday 29th October.

We have been working to try to ensure that the Championships can be held in comfort and I am now able to tell you that they will almost certainly be staged at the new French Federation Headquarters at 20-21, Quai Carnot, 92210 SAINT-CLOUD, Paris

Since last emailing you we have managed to obtain new options on sufficient rooms at one of the major hotels in Paris, The Hotel Concorde-Lafayette , where we are looking to play the Seniors Bowl and maybe everything (including the Transnational Teams) during the second week. Unfortunately the costs may be a little higher (about 10%) than we had originally anticipated but for this hotel are still well below their normal rates - and even their special promotional rates - which can be seen on their website. As before, the room rates are for single or double occupancy, and inclusive of a buffet breakfast for one or two
persons and taxes.

We have sent a registration form to your Federation and asked them to complete it as quickly as possible and return to us. We will then forward it to the hotel and they will confirm your reservation directly to your Federation. However, if you need us to send you the form personally, please email anna@ecats.co.uk and she will get one sent to you immediately.

I ask you all to co-operate with us by staying in the designated hotel and not seeking alternative accommodation elsewhere and those of you in the Western world, to whom we have shown our solidarity by cancelling the event in Bali and relocating it to Paris, to stay in the Club La Fayette rooms and allowing our friends from the Far East to have the less expensive, de luxe rooms as they now have to face far higher expenses than they originally
anticipated. The two categories are in the same hotel, and we have to fill all the rooms in order to achieve the quota and thus obtain the rates we have been given, and it is extremely important that we do so. We have an equal number of rooms in each category (150). Also by staying in this hotel you will enable us to provide a proper shuttle service for you to get to the playing areas when necessary.

The WBF looks forward to welcoming you to Paris for the Championships.

José Damiani
President, World Bridge Federation
3rd October 2001"

7) Joefri aus Wiesbaden schrieb am 30.September 2001 um 23:19 Uhr:

War das Wochenende unterwegs (endlich mal ein Sieg im Länderkampf gegen Österreich), komme daher erst jetzt dazu, die aktuellen Entwicklungen zum Venice Cup zu posten.
Hier der Brief von Jose Damiani vom Freitag:

"Dear Friends

We are pleased that we have been able to arrange a venue for the Bermuda Bowl, Venice Cup, Senior Bowl and World Transnational Open teams at the French Bridge Federation building in Paris on very nearly the same dates as those originally scheduled.

We need to have some flexibility (of at least one day), since the equipment is still at sea and has to be returned to Paris.

Teams participating in the Bermuda Bowl, Venice Cup and Seniors Bowl can arrange to arrive in Paris on Saturday 20th October in order to start play either on Sunday 21st or Monday 22nd with the Round Robin ending and the Knock Out phase starting either on Saturday 27th or Sunday 28th October. The Transnational Teams will start on either Sunday 28th or Monday 29th October and the Championships will thus end on Saturday 3rd November instead of Friday 2nd.

We have managed to arrange an excellent four star hotel situated about 10 minutes walk from the Arc-de-Triomphe and the Champs-Elysées for all the participants at a very good rate (even less expensive than Bali), but it is important that all the teams stay in this hotel so that we can arrange shuttles between the hotel and the playing area.

Information about hotel rates has been sent to your NBO, and they have been asked to let us know by next Tuesday (2nd October) whether your team will be to attend these Championships, and what your room requirements will be etc. so please contact your Federation as quickly as possible.

As soon as we have any more information we will contact you again.

José Damiani

President, World Bridge Federation
28 September 2001"

Die Meisterschaft findet also möglicherweise doch statt, in dem Falle werden wir vermutlich auch teilnehmen. Ich gehe mal davon aus, dass wir Dienstag abend oder Mittwoch neue Informationen bekommen und werde diese dann hier veröffentlichen.

6) Joefri aus Wiesbaden schrieb am 26.September 2001 um 22:39 Uhr:

Hallo Fans,

wie von mir vermutet wurde heute die Meisterschaft ganz abgesagt. Hier die Nachricht von Jose Damiani:

"Dear Friends

It is with great regret that I have to inform you that, as a result of the
terrorist activity in America two weeks ago, five teams from the Bermuda
Bowl, six from the Venice Cup and five from the Senior Teams have withdrawn,
and as far as the others are concerned many have clearly indicated that they
are willing to come providing nothing changes and unfortunately we know that
it will undoubtedly change. We have, therefore, with great reluctance,
decided to cancel the 2001 World Championships in Bali and to seek an
alternative venue.

We are working on a solution to hold the Championships in Lausanne,
Switzerland the Olympic Capital, or in France on approximately the same
dates or possibly in December, and I ask you to be patient and as soon as we
have more information we will ensure that it is sent to you. For the time
being, please keep these dates free, and we will let you know the situation
as soon as it becomes clear.

We have also asked our Indonesian friends whether they would be able to host
the event in 2003 and we sincerely hope that we will be able to meet in Bali
in two years time.

José Damiani
President, World Bridge Federation
25 September 2001"

5) Joefri aus Wiesbaden schrieb am 25.September 2001 um 20:40 Uhr:

Hallo Fans,

der Venice-Cup 2001 wird ohne deutsche Beteiligung stattfinden, hier die Nachricht unseres Verbandes:

"Liebe Nationalmannschaft,
liebe Betreuer,

das Präsidium des DBV hat beschlossen, dass unter den gegebenen
weltpolitischen Umständen und der unübersichtlichen Sicherheitslage nicht
nur in Indonesien sondern auch auf dem Weg dorthin, von einer Teilnahme
eines Deutschen Teams beim Venice Cup abgesehen wird.
Dies wird sicherlich für einige schmerzlich sein. Das Präsidium bedauert
dies, die Sicherheit der Spielerinnen steht jedoch an oberster Stelle.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Ralf Teichmann"

Da die Amerikanischen Mannschaften Ihre Teilnahme ebenfalls abgesagt haben, Ägypten und Guadeloupe ärgste Bedenken haben, gehe ich davon aus, dass spätestens morgen im Laufe des Tages die Meisterschaft komplett gecanceled wird.
Zum einen zwar schade für die Spielerinnen, die sich alle auf das Turnier gefreut haben. Ich habe mich in den letzten Tagen aber selber sehr intensiv mit der Lage in Indonesien beschäftigt, und kann diese Entscheidung unseres Verbandes nur begrüßen. Sicherheit hat Priorität vor allem anderen. Angst beim Spielen ist bestimmt kein guter Motivator. Und ich auch bin lieber bei meiner Familie und nicht zigtausend Kilometer in einem unbekannten, hauptsächlich muslimischen Land, wenn der Vergeltungsschlag der Amerikaner losgehen wird.
Ich werde in den nächsten Tagen sicherlich noch das offizielle Statement der WBF hier posten, dann ist erstmal Pause, bis der neue Termin feststeht.

Euer Joefri

4) Joefri aus Deutschland schrieb am 23.September 2001 um 22:29 Uhr:

Hallo Freunde,

die Geschehnisse vom 11.09.01 in New York sind auch an der Bridgewelt nicht spurlos vorbeigegangen.
Zunächst schrieb der WBF-Präsident Jose Damiani am 16.09. folgendes:

"First of all the President would like to say how deeply saddened he has been by the appalling terrorist activity in America, and that he offers, on behalf of his colleagues on the WBF Executive, solidarity and friendship to all those affected. In the WBF under these circumstances, we all feel American.
Mr Damiani is, with his colleagues, giving serious thought and consideration to the implications of this as far as the World Championships in Bali are concerned. For the time being he believes that Bali is still safe, and assures you that he has been and will be looking carefully at the measures taken for security together with his Indonesian friends and colleagues, and has always been promised by the Indonesian Government. He reminds you that Indonesia is a secular country, where there is religious tolerance, and Bali has always been a safe and secure venue.
Mr Damiani reassures you that he will be taking advice throughout the coming period, and should the situation change you will be informed immediately. He assures you that the WBF will not follow a course that might endanger any players, officials or other participants at the Championships."

Inzwischen gibt es aber überall auf der Welt Diskussionen, ob es nicht besser sei, die Meisterschaft an einem anderen Ort auszutragen oder zu verlegen. Das amerikanische Bureau of Consular Affairs warnt seit dem 20.09. vor Reisen nach Indonesien, das Deutsche Auswärtige Amt gibt für Indonesien nur die üblichen Sicherheitshinweise und sagt, dass Bali sicher sei (ebenfalls Stand 20.09.).

Wir müssen die Ereignisse der nächsten Tage abwarten, ich werde euch hier auf dem Laufenden halten ...

3) joefri aus Deutschland schrieb am 10.September 2001 um 22:03 Uhr:

Hallo Fans,

es hat eine kleine Änderung in der Mannschaftsaufstellung gegeben: Sabine Auken wird mit Anne Gladiator spielen. Nein, Sabine und Dany haben sich nicht verkracht, aber Dany ist schwanger (und wir freuen uns alle mit ihr), der Arzt meinte allerdings, dass er von so einer weiten Reise abrät. Damit können wir in einigen Jahren bestimmt einen neuen Star am Bridgehimmel erwarten, bei den Eltern ... Unseren Platz auf Bali werden wir dann der jungen Familie widmen, und natürlich geben wir unser Bestes.

2) Joefri aus Deutschland schrieb am 5.September 2001 um 23:06 Uhr:

Es hat zwar nichts direkt mit unserer Bridgevorbereitung zu tun, war aber trotzdem das Ereignis der Woche: die "Bridge Wedding of the Year" von Barbara Stawowy und Justin Hackett. Um den Artikel von Patrick Jourdain zu lesen und die Fotos anzuschauen hier klicken

1) joefri aus Germany schrieb am 5.August 2001 um 17:30 Uhr:

Ein herzliches Willkommen oder auch Selamat Datang wie die Indonesier sagen.
In Kürze werdet ihr hier die ersten Berichte vom Team lesen können, also schaut einfach öfter mal vorbei.